- Completed development of SMART-F10N standalone attendance system optical-type fingerprint reader for attendance terminals
- Completed development of Android app for integrated attendance terminal settings
- Completed development of public servant card reader for mobile-exclusive use
- Completed development of SMART-RM10 wireless sensor linkage model
- Completed development of SMART-RM10 A1 (wireless receiver) / L1 (wireless extension device) / T1 (wireless sensor connector output)
- Completed development of face recognition-based attendance and access control program
- Completed development of integrated control reader for 6 devices (attendance) for use
- Completed development of temperature and humidity card reader for attendance and access control
- Completed development of SMART-C5N standalone attendance system for use
- Completed development of SMART-FC5W attendance terminal WIFI reader
- Added functions to V5.0 / V5.5 / V6.0 for airport parking systems
- Completed development of SMART-MC2 school / airport management consoles
- Completed development of connection extension device supporting up to 16 devices
- Implemented cloud IOT systems using Internet-enabled devices
- Completed development of fingerprint reader program for attendance with additional worker features such as attendance log, QR code, etc.
- Completed development of SMART-F10 optical fingerprint reader for security systems
- Completed development of IoT relay services for IoT products
- Completed development of Android app for IoT products management for customers
- Completed development of iOS app
- Completed development of LTE wireless communication module for parking systems
- Gyeonggi Economic Science Promotion Agency Completed the project for "Small and Medium Business Convergence Growth Support Business."
- Completed development of IoT-IA1 (IoT Security Parking System)
- Completed development of IoT-IS1 (IoT Sensor Transmitter)
- Completed development of IoT-IT1 (IoT Temperature Sensor)
- Completed development of IoT-IC1, IC5 (IoT Control Module)
- Started development of IoT-related services for IoT products
- Started development of relationship and customer management app (Android) for IoT products
- Completed development of SMART-CA5 4th generation standalone fingerprint reader for parking (PIN code + card, fingerprint options)
- Completed development of SMART-US1 (PC card reader for PCs)
- Completed development of SMART-C3W parking lot system (SMART-A1/A3, RB-480) with WiFi reader (PIN code + card, fingerprint options)
- Completed development of SMART-C5W attendance system WiFi reader (PIN code + card, fingerprint options)
- Completed development of IoT parking system linked with attendance (SMART-A1/A3 IoT, SMART-CA2 IoT, RB-480 IoT version)
- Completed development of parking system linkage with SMART-A1/A3 for parking guidance and license plate recognition
- Completed development of WiFi reader (SMART-F5W/C3W/FC3W/C5W/FC5W) for terminal settings
- Completed development of Android app for terminal settings
- Started development of IoT-IA1 (IoT Security Parking System)
- Started development of IoT-IS1 (IoT Sensor Module)
- Started development of IoT-IT1 (IoT Temperature, Humidity, and Fire Module)
- Started development of IoT-IC1, IC5 (IoT Control Module)
- Completed development of SMART-F5 (Standalone Attendance and Card Reader)
- Completed development of SMART-FC5 (Standalone Attendance System, Card Reader, and Printer)
- Completed development of SMART-FC5 with additional functions (Security System, Temperature, Humidity, and Attendance)
- Completed development of SMART-FC5 Mobile App for settings
- Relocated the research lab
- Completed development of SMART-A3 (Wireless Receiver System)
- Completed development of SMART-C70 (Wireless Card Reader)
- Completed development of SMART-FS (Wireless Receiver System)
- Completed development of SMART-SS (Wireless Detection System)
- Completed development of SMART-S5 (Parking Entrance and Exit Management System)
- Completed development of SMART-A3 Intercom System for parking (SMART-A3 version)
- Signed supply contract with SKT and KT
- Expanded research lab
- Completed development of SMART-C60 Card Reader
- Developed SMART-A1 (Wireless Receiver System)
- Developed SMART-F1 (Wireless Fingerprint Reader) (SSPV210-CPU MODULE Development)
- Completed integration of Android system with control center
- Developed LTE Wireless Communication System
- Developed SMART-F21
- Developed SMART-F2
· 터치 액정 지문리더기 개발 진행
- Launched Ubismart device / smart zone APP
- Completed development of touch-embedded fingerprint reader (SMART-C40)
- Launched wireless CDMA module
- Completed development of SMART-D80 interphone
- Relocated headquarters
- Participated in COEX International Security Exhibition
- Launched new fingerprint reader RB-F900
- Launched new fingerprint reader RB-F200
- Launched RB-C434 (standalone) / 7534 integrated attendance management system
- Launched DVR video system (D-700)
- Expanded the headquarters (additional 1st and 2nd floors)
- Launched RB-NF900 integrated monitoring system (cable/internet type)
- Completed development of RB-N8000 (standalone security system)
- Changed company name (Ringbell -> Ubismart)
- Introduced Samsung SMT (CP40/SM320) solder machine
- Started development of new card reader
- Developed RDVR-3010 video device system
- Developed RFP-407 fingerprint recognition, attendance, security reader
- Developed TCP/IP parking management system RB-3010
- Certified as an INNO-BIZ technology innovation company
- Registered as a venture company
- Developed and manufactured attendance management system
- Developed RB-5000 unmanned security device
- Established research and development center at Asia Security Co., Ltd.
- Selected as an excellent security system for three consecutive years by the Korean Chamber of Commerce
- Started SMD equipment production for automatic assembly
- Developed RB-770 series burglary alarm system
- Selected as a technology innovation company by the Seoul Regional Small and Medium Business Administration
- Designated as a defense special enterprise
- Developed the first dedicated transmission equipment in Korea
- Established and operated 20 control rooms nationwide
- Established Alpha Electronics manufacturing plant
- Opened a Yongsan Electronics store and developed the first domestic burglary alarm system